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Refreshing lemon tea made with seasonal tea
"Lemony Lemon"

The base uses a 100% seasonal Dimbula tea blend with refreshing and juicy lemon. Get even more refreshing with iced tea or cider! You can enjoy the citrus aroma and pleasant astringency that only seasonal tea can have when served straight and slowly steamed.


A delicious way to drink

Straight: 150ml of boiling water → 4 minutes (squeezing)
Iced tea: 100ml of boiling water → 4 minutes (squeezing) → Pour cold or cider
 into a glass with plenty of ice  : 500ml of water or cider (carbonated) + 2 tea bags → Overnight




旬のディンブラ茶に、爽やかで瑞々しいレモンのいいとこどりフレーバー。 じっくり蒸らしたストレートで旬茶だけの柑橘アロマと心地よい渋みも堪能できます。 かわいいアリスのパッケージでプレゼントにもおすすめ!



ストレート: 熱湯150ml→4分(搾る)
アイスティー: 熱湯100ml→4分(搾る)
水出しorサイダー出し: 水orサイダー(炭酸)500ml+ティーバッグ2つ→一晩

LEMONY LEMON l レモニーレモン

SKU: KC232501

    Weight: 1.5g

    Ingredients: Dimbula, Lemon

    Country of Origin: Sri Lanka & Japan

    Best Before: More than a year

    Expired: January 2026

    Preservation method: Store away from high temperatures, high humidity, and direct sunlight

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